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With the control of traffic signal lamp control signs and markings
Road traffic sign is the use of graphic symbols and text to convey specific traffic regulations, traffic control method of information. Road marking is by pavement markings, arrows, text, facade signs, protuberant signposts, road edge contour composed of ground traffic lane allocation and right of way set of traffic safety facilities. Both are controlled and guided by the control of traffic flow, can be used alone, can also be used in conjunction with. Flag markings performed the way for the use right of the right of passage, first right and possession is static facilities of road traffic management and control. Static traffic signs and markings, although it can play a role of allocation and control traffic conflicts to a certain extent, the traffic conflict points - intersection due to a different direction formed. However, in the case of traffic flow is too large, if only rely on the signs and markings will be very difficult to play the role of orderly and safe.
Traffic signal lamp is a kind of traffic control and command facility which is used to distribute traffic flow in different directions in time. Traffic lights take turns showing different colors of light to direct traffic flow in different directions. It is an effective way to manage the dynamic facilities of the road traffic control box.
The difference between the two
Control mode: traffic signal control signal is for road use in the allocation of time; signs and markings is use of road space distribution and the order of the concession.
2 types of facilities: traffic signal control signal is the main traffic lights; marking signs and markings is the formulation of regulations;
3. The use of range: traffic signal control signal mainly for the road is wide, flow larger intersection; marking marking for traffic flow small, Lane intersection;
4 cost: traffic signal control signal of high cost and low cost control signs and markings;
5 flexibility: signal control more flexible, and the marking is not flexible.
The above information is provided by the traffic signal lamp manufacturer