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The reasonable optimizations of traffic lights ease the traffic jam
Progress in order to further optimize the road traffic, the traffic rate, reduce citizens rush hour congestion, a few days ago, the city traffic police department of city ning corner, yuchai culverts and 25 meters three street intersection traffic lights time optimization.
The municipal traffic police department shows that this adjustment is based on fieldwork that paragraph of time, and citizens reflect the status of the follow-up will also according to the actual effect after the adjustment and response of the traffic participants, satellite do more practical and reasonable adjustment. Together, traffic signal lamp manufacturers have called for all traffic participants meet road congestion can adhere to the common heart, wait patiently for, don't blindly stoppered, must abide by the "turning vehicles comity straight" "motor vehicle comity zebra crossing pedestrians" of the traffic rules.
The traffic lights at 25 meters
Status: for 25 meters street west road (teaching) bus station to xinmin road is one-way street, in addition to the buses, motorcycles, all vehicles can't by XinMin Road turn left or turn right into the bus station, and traffic lights XinMin Road only a straight lane, with straight green light time is very short, wait here for a red light vehicles every day will be long. Plus, it's close to the traffic lights in the computer city, which often affect traffic lights in the computer city.