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Traffic lights manufacturer about intersection light red not only green what reason be
Reporters rushed to the scene, they found the light on the left has recovered to normal, the status of the line also has been easing slightly, but because the vehicles piled up too much, most of the vehicles wait in an orderly, but also a driver choice way to straight travel lane.
"Light is red not only green left, after the countdown and become a red light, in front of the car can't drive past." Are lining up to the owner of the Mr Xu notify the reporter, he is now in the left lane line up for more than ten minutes, because the army is longer at the beginning, can't see in front of the situation, "that is the number of cars, then gradually close to the junction is to see the original signal presents doubt, measure of order continue for more than ten minutes."
Who lives in new yellow teacher informed reporters peng village, because the city to work, he will through the traffic light to and from work every day, in his impression, the lights turn left (lamp) out of the question here is not a two times. "Is like today so will not change either the green, or yellow light is flashing, and is not directly lit up." Master huang said, "perhaps wouldn't light appeared always shining yellow light I will directly in the past, but encounter this kind of red light will not change the status of the green light, really make me confused." Some can't master huang.